
The house mouse (Mus domesticus)

Understanding and Dealing with House Mice: Tips and Insights

Differentiating between a house mouse and a brown rat may seem easy due to their size difference, but identifying field mice from harvest mice can be challenging. Let's delve into some key characteristics to help you distinguish and address the common house mouse.

Size and Droppings: House mice are notably smaller than brown rats, making them distinguishable. On an average night, a house mouse can deposit around 80 droppings, each roughly the size of a grain of rice or smaller.

Feeding Habits: Mice are sporadic feeders, exploring and feeding from multiple locations in a single night. Understanding their feeding patterns is crucial for effective control.

Breeding and Entry Points: Mice can start breeding as early as 8-10 weeks of age, producing litters of 3-14 young, typically averaging around 6-8. Shockingly, they only need a 6mm gap, approximately the size of a Bic biro pen, to enter your property.

Treatment Approach: Our mouse treatments begin with a comprehensive visual inspection. We provide expert advice on necessary proofing measures, which can be carried out by the customer, a builder, or our team for an additional fee.

Tailored Solutions: Each mouse treatment is unique, varying based on location and estimated numbers. We tailor our approach to ensure effective and lasting results.

We not only do we have problems with house mice. Quite often it will be field mice in your home.

Field Mouse

Field Mouse

Dealing with a mouse infestation? Let us help you regain control. Contact us for a personalized inspection and expert advice on securing your property against these unwanted guests.